Sabtu, 31 Julai 2010

What?? Dunno what is BAMBANGAN ( refer to previous post about HINAVA)

One of my best friend wanna try the HINAVA recipe, but then, she dunno what is BAMBANGAN???

She never ever heard about this food / fruit .....

Thatz why, today, i wanna give u some infomation and picture of it....

I got all of this info from wiki n google...

Mangifera pajang
Conservation status
Scientific classification
Species:M. pajang
Binomial name
Mangifera pajang
Mangifera pajang ( BAMBANGAN ) is a species of plant in the Anacardiaceaefamily. It is found in Brunei,Indonesia, Malaysia, and Singapore.

Even, you can do something with it also, here i give u recipe of JERUK BAMBANGAN ( i dunno how to explain to you what is jeruk bambangan is all about, why not u just try it out)

Ingredient :

5 Bambangan
Chilies as well
Salt to taste


Juz mix up all the ingredient....

Jumaat, 30 Julai 2010

HINAVA - Sabah Sushi

Hola everyone, just now my friend message me and said that he just came back from SUSHI KING...
I'm quit sure that a lot of Malaysian enjoy sushi and luv it sooo much....
Do you know that in our country oso got sushi, but it is not called as sushi, they call it HINAVA.....
It is one of a very famous cuisine in Sabah....
Same like sushi, the main ingredient is Fish.....
And, it is not COOKED....

Here are some of it picture....



2 ½ pounds of fish which was discarded bones ( if posible mackerel fish)
1 ½ cup lime juice
4-5 tablespoons of grated Bambangan and dried
2 inches Bitter melon has sliced finely (washed with salt once)
4-5 finely sliced red chilli
Salt to taste


Combine all ingredients in a bowl and mix throughly . Left for 10 minutes before serving.

This dish does not need to be cooked, so the materials provided must be fresh and clean.



Serves (10-15 people)

Mackerel (Medium)
6 Review Red Onion (sliced)
2 cloves garlic (sliced)
Orange Cotton Seeds 3-4 (Take the juice)
A little salt, seasoning powder, Ginger

Clean the mackerel first, then chopped up fine.
Pour some hot water over the fish for 1 minute and drain.
mix up all the ingredient.
Then mixed with lime juice cotton.


1. mackerel fish fresh (or new jerr in the fridge)
2. water kaffir, lime trap even orait jugak
3. shrimp paste
4. thinly sliced red onion and onion
5. pepper, sliced thin
6. kesum leaves sliced thin
7. thin slices of ginger bud flowers
8. thin slices of celery and green onion
9. thin slices of ginger
10. chilli padi

To do this:
1. Raw fish mix with other ingredients.
2. Add sugar and salt to taste.
3. Enter the fridge about an hour.

SELAMAT MENCUBA ( malay word to say that hope u can do it or success, smething like dat lorrr)

Khamis, 29 Julai 2010

DURIAN, i luv U....

Yeay, Durian season is coming already...
That's mean, I'll be the HANTU DURIAN (Durian's maniac) far the whole season ( Durian's season)....
Durian, wait for me, I'll get u now....

Actually, I'm quit confused and wonder why some of us don't like Durian as much as we did( those who luv durian sooo much), I've asked some of them, and what they said is they dun like the Durian's smell? WHAT??? WHY??? Isn't it smell good and delicious???? Expecially those from WEST, why they're hating Durian so much????


Here are some picture of Durian and its product....

Various type of durian, u may also fine a red one...

Why??? Why like diz one?????

Durian Ice-cream... Yummyyyyyy........

Durian MOONCAKE... I LIKEEEEE.......

Durian Pufff.... I've never try it yet, but yet it look sooooo yummyyy and creammyyyyy.....

Last but not least, Durian's KING....


TUHAU - Sabahan food

Hi, today I would like to share one miracle food of sabah.
Which is TUHAU...
I have try it once, and i'm not really like the taste...
It have an insect like smell and weird taste...
But, everybody said it is superb delicious...
i really need some explaination...
So, later if u have try it, plez tell me how it taste k...

Here r the recipe i got from my friend....
i've never try it yet, but , why not u try it out then tell me how was it....

1 pounds tuhau
1 / 2 cup lime juice or vinegar
2-4 finely sliced red onion
2-3 finely sliced red chilli
Salt to taste

Mix up all the ingredient then marinate them.
The tuhau should be slice thinly or u can just cop them out....
Good luck once again....

Rabu, 28 Julai 2010

Daging Masak Hitam ( black cooked meat)

Hola everyone, today, FM wanna share another delicious recipe from sabah which is Daging Masak Hitam ( black cooked meat )...
U may also find this food in Sarawak, but our recipe is quit differ with their recipe....
For ur information, this recipe is totally different with Daging Masak Kicap ( Beef in Soy sauce )...

Ingredient :

1kg of Beef

Sliced ingredient

20 peel of lemon grass ( 20 batang serai )
500g of Onoin ( 500 g bawang besar )
50g 0nion ( 50 g bawang merah)
50g garlic
250g of ginger

Prepare some spice like star anise ( bunga lawang), cinnamon ( kayu manis) ,coriander ( ketumbar), cumin ( jintan putih),aniseed ( jintan manis) - U MUST HAVE CINNAMON AND STAR ANISE , the others are not really important but if u have it, it will make ur Daging Masak Hitam more delicious

Soy sauce
Tamarind juice
oil ( olive oil )
MSG ( monosodiumglutamide ) - not encourage...
Gula melaka

How to do it...

First, thinly sliced pieces of meat or a little thicker (not too thin)

sliced lemon grass, onion and ginger as thin as possible, do not grind this material because it will change the taste of food, do not chopped either.

Combine beef strips with lemon grass, onion and ginger have been sliced in a bowl. Then, add soy sauce, MSG. sugar and salt in it. Salt and sugar can also be placed during cooking. But, soy sauce ang Gula Melaka must be add into the bowl.

Heat pan with olive oil, then add spices with onion and garlic until golden. Then, add tamarind juice. then add the marinated meat earlier. stir until the water out of the meat (fat liquid). cook until onions are no longer visible, and cook until your dish to be shiny

Then, it is ready to be served

This dish can be eaten with white rice or bryani rice . In fact, it is suitable for consumption with any type of rice. Can also try the bread, but I never try. hahahahaaaa .....

That's it for this time. Hope u will try this out, sure ur family will like it expecially children....


AMBUYAT- My food

Hi there...

Today, i would like to talk about one of the most famous food at my KAMPONG...

Which is AMBUYAT, it is actually a SAGO.

It being mix with hot water then it become glue like structure....

The thing that makes this ambuyat delicious is the side dish that being prepared with it..

It is best to be eaten with CACAP ( a souce made of lime, chilies, onion, etc), grill fish, Ulam ( fresh vege), Lemiding ( a kind of vege "shoot nail"), Bambangan ( look like manggo but it taste more delicious then manggo and it only can be get in BORNEO), then you can add up other kind of food you would like to eat, depend on you, there is no restricted or specific food to be eaten with AMBUYAT.

Another interesting about eating ambuyat is, we need to use CANDAS ( a copstick like material but it is more easier to use compare to copstick). Refer to picture to see how it look like....

This is a tradisional food of Bruneian and Bisaya's....

There is some different if you compare the way this ethnic eat this AMBUYAT...

Bisaya's called it AMBULUNG, and the side dish also differ...

Bisaya's only prepare a simple side dish and one of the most exciting thing about their side dish is they eat it with Buffalo Skin which is being fermented......

Next time, if u come to Sabah, dun forget to try this food yeah....